Hi, I’m Chani from Chani Spiro Photography,
I always wanted to take the time to introduce myself, but as we all know dealing with existing work (and yummy kids!) holds you back on everything else, but eventually we get to learn how to handle everything (a whole separate blog on its own!).
The most common question that comes to me from anyone passing through the door of my studio is ”How did you get into photography?” fair question…
When we were blessed with our very first daughter Sara, that’s when my passion for the camera started to burst, I guess you could say the passion was for my daughter not the camera but I knew what it needed to be done to get it right.
At that point I enrolled into my first photography training course focusing on babies and toddlers, (after all it was my baby I was trying to capture) I wasn’t yet thinking about the career ahead, at this point it was all pleasure, and pleasure it was, I was just too obsessed with Sara to have my mind on anything else. But its when a passion turns into a venture that new levels can be reached…
An integral part of the growth of this passion was incentivised by the most amazing husband, which have been the most supportive and encouraging of my career!!!!
As residing in Gateshead just across the river from Newcastle its given me a tremendous opportunity to serve the whole North East, especially taking advantage of the beach in Tynemouth/Whitley Bay when we catch the sun
Now let me know what got you going into your carrier….